We want to make sure you're completely satisfied with your cleaning experience, which is why we're happy to adjust your invoice if your household professional works less or more than originally booked.

We understand that sometimes unforeseen circumstances can arise, causing your household professional to need more or less time to complete their tasks. If this happens, please don't hesitate to contact us within 24 hours after the cleaning. Our Home Advisors team will work with you to ensure that your invoice is adjusted accordingly.

It's important to note that an adjustment of the invoice is subject to the confirmation of the household professional. This helps to ensure that your household professional is compensated fairly for their work, while also providing you with a fair and transparent billing experience.

At Helpling, we're committed to providing you with exceptional cleaning services and outstanding customer support. If you have any questions or concerns about your cleaning experience, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to help!